Monday, November 1, 2010

Fuckin' Teevee

Man, so, my Halloween video marathon was a blast. My feature movie selection ended up being House Of 1000 Corpses, which was sweet because I hadn't seen it in a few years and it takes place on October 30th and 31st. Disney's Halloween Treat really took me back, the 1080p It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown was so sharp it was bizarre to watch (don't get me wrong, I love it this way), and the fiance and myself had some nostalgiac fun pulling out Count Duckula - The Complete First Season (which now fetches a handsome price on Amazon) and the Halloween episode of The Adventures Of Pete & Pete. The whole thing would have been perfect, except at 10:00PM I blew a sure thing by passing up the next-to-last Eastbound & Down (I'll On-Demand it ASAP, but I post-poned for the sake of the holiday marathon) in favor of the 90-minute The Walking Dead premier, which was to be the culmination of a whole day of video watching. Boy did I set myself up for failure. This thing was TV-Movie material for sure. The Greg Nicotero FX were brilliant when displayed, but the whole thing was just another big, boring zombie rehash. Boooooooooooring. They managed to stretch the let's-get-it-over-with first 30 to 45 minutes of a zombie movie into 90 minutes. The only interesting novelty was the concept of riding a horse around in the zomie apocalypse and they killed the fuckin horse off after 5 minutes. Otherwise this was some bland shit.

I generally hate TV, with a few exceptions. I have a reverence for the classic late night talk show. I plan to catch Conan's TBS show as much as possible as I feel guilty for being part of his cancellation previously by not watching enough. And I do love Letterman as well. I love Eastbound & Down. Glee. Modern Family. Anything Joss Whedon-related. Trailer Fanatic and At The Movies are a good time as far as I'm concerned. Charlie Rose. But most of all, I fucking LOVE Star Wars: The Clone Wars. I recently re-watched the Star Wars prequel trilogy, and as much as that first movie irks me (and I doubt I will watch it more than one or two more times in my life) I fucking love those second two. And The Clone Wars is incredible. The animation is stellar for television, and the whole thing just genuinely feels like the Star Wars universe. It has the feel of the better novels, it's always like "Oh man, I can't believe this is as juicy as it is. This or that character is like a barely-shown-or-mentioned myth in the feature films, but here they're like... really showing them doing shit." I just ordered season 1 on blu while the prices was marked 50% off (I guess a promotion to promote the release of season 2 on the format) and I am sure to fly through it in no time. My children will surely benefit from this purchase, and my other anticipated Amazon package of the week... Toy Story 3 (best movie of the year as far as I'm concerned, and probably greatest animated film of all time.) Also, How To Train Your Dragon was something that I recently watched and I dug it. I'm excited to hear they're making a series, I just hope that they don't kiddie it down at all. Because it was only at an acceptable level of maturity for adults in film form, going any more kiddie at all would be a tipping point.

Shit I'm done rambling. But yeah, Halloween video marathon at my place ruled. It has inspired me to plan a classic war movie marathon for Veteran's Day thursday 11/11. Anyway I am outtie. Party on, Wayne.

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