Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another Underground Rap Clip And Some Ranting

Pill killing an old Big Pun classic. I just recently found out Big Pun was a wife-beating asshole, I try to separate politics from entertainment as much as possible... it's not like I care about the background of the people who sell me snacks at a 7-11 or make my burgers at a fast food joint; I am actually happy to see ex-cons taking a stab at the straight life and glad somebody isn't too high up on their horse to provide these people jobs, even if it is a notoriously terrible corporation like mcdonald's. So why should I concern myself with the personal lives of the people who prepare my entertainment. That being said, sometimes there is an unavoidable effect...For instance, when the last Chris Brown song Transformer came out with Lil Wayne on it I thought it was clever and catchy as all hell and played it a lot. This doesn't mean I respect Brown as a person, but denying myself the entertainment value of what little he does have to offer the earth isn't going to change shit. So fuck it. But it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I feel similarly about James Brown and Miles Davis. They were pricks. I wouldn't have liked them as people. But their musical legacy cannot be reduced by their social misanthropies. They just leave behind a terrible history for the gossip and biography crowds to mull over. I swear some people who claim to be so shocked by this stuff get off on reading about it all the time, it's pretty stupid. The guy made records, and sucked as a person, are you really that intense that you have to justify the kind of entertainment that makes you happy by investigating the purity of the source? Probably a lot of the people you listen to and think are probably really good people because they really seem like they are on record...some of these people most likely have a more passive aggressive history of emotional abuse to their spouse or any other number of fucked up things that haven't become public knowledge. It's not worth driving yourself crazy about it. People suck in general. We surround ourselves with ridiculous pop entertainment so we don't have to think about shit like that, that's the whole point.

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