Monday, August 9, 2010


is in a special On Demand preview on FiOS and several other services right now... so of course I watched it. I knew I could never convince my fiance to go see it with me in the theater, and the home TV is a pretty sweet 1080p 50", so why the hell not? It was basically pretty bad ass. I don't expect Kubrick-quality work out of Neil Marshall... for me he is kind of similar to Zack Snyder: they make trashy modern B-movies and they get the damn job done. Though, as much as I may have liked it, I am worried he will not produce another Descent-calibur film anytime soon. I think with Doomsday and this he is trying to make a movie that is bigger than the one he can afford to make. They want to be epic and grandiose in scale and are trapped within their own budget (like the original Death Race for instance.) But if you suspend your disbelief on the goodwill that they would have made a more expensive, believable movie if they could... then that shit is pretty awesome. I would proudly admit to being a Neil Marshall fan.

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